The second installment of Colin Robisons's music for imaginary puppet shows, released under the banner of his one-man project Jumble Hole Clough, is a continuation of his work on the rather splendid This Salty Armada - music for imaginary puppet shows volume one that came out in December. Moth On A Staircase Window - music for imaginary puppet shows volume two once again sees him banging on odd objects, besides his usual array of proper musical instruments.
Robinson's knack for coming up with off-kilter titles for his compositions is in full force. Weird titles set him off on wild excursions, but also lead to the self-explanatory vignettes, like the 8-bit soundalike noises in I Sold My Wife's Tiara In Order To Buy A Computer. Crossing The Hellespont In A Coracle (a truly eccentric and hazardous idea in real life) is set to a lulling rhythm and the beeps could be mistaken for radar blips from other ships.
Robinson is adamant to find a way to set every glimmer of an idea to music. The compositions for these series are like elevator pitches - it's all over before the listener has time to fully understand what the hell is going on (or has found the time to look up in a dictionary what The Trollop Of Hunger Hill does for a living). He can write the soundtrack for a horror story about The Empty Nursery or go pastoral in a skewed way trying to grasp the concept of Five Lane Ends Idle. Directors who have run into a wall about where to go next, should make the trip to his abode in Hebden Bridge and knock on his door to discuss a series over tea and biscuits.
His current streak of short bursts of unbridled creativity isn't over yet - he is already working on volume three.
Moth On A Staircase Window - music for imaginary puppet shows volume two is a self-released album. Buy it (pay-what-you-want) from his website.
Tracks:- Moth On A Staircase Window
- Light Engineering In Taipei
- Oh Dear, I Seem To Have Dropped My Marimba (May Contain Traces Of Swearing)
- The Goat-Herd Is Slightly Miffed
- The Empty Nursery
- The Carpet Is Covered In Oofle Dust
- Wyke Riot
- Friday 13th Part 3 (The Vulgar Boatmen)
- Belisha Beacon (It's The Rozzers, Let's Scarper!)
- I Sold My Wife's Tiara In Order To Buy A Computer
- Yawning In The Museum Of Mud
- Sleeping Dinosaurs
- A Little Old House In The Wood
- Five Lane Ends Idle
- Eating Ice Cream In An Engine Shed In Budapes
- My Last 20 Reams Of Paper And My Hoffman Continental
- Crossing The Hellespont In A Coracle
- The Clinky-Bonk Men
- The Ghost Of Armley Mill Part 2
- Preparing The R101 At Cardington
- The Trollop Of Hunger Hill
- Burn All Suits
- Enter The Dagon
- Ghost Stations
- St.Godfrey's Gramophone
- The Speaking Clock
» Jumble Hole Clough on Facebook
HCTF review of This Salty Armada - music for imaginary puppet shows volume one.