Entertainment Magazine

Josh Dallas and the Royal Twins

Posted on the 02 December 2012 by Bittersweet1975 @onceupon_fans

Once Upon a Time | The bad news for fans of Prince Charming is that, of course, he is now trapped in a sleeping spell, since Snow wasn’t able to physically connect with him in the netherworld for a reviving smooch. But as he lingers in that limbo, I have this good news to share: New flashbacks to The Fairytale Land That Was are on the horizon, filling some blanks in the prince’s backstory. “There’s a lot more to explore,” Josh Dallas assured me during my visit to Vancouver, where Once films. For example, “Charming had a twin that was never fully realized – we only had a glimpse of him — so maybe there’ll be a chance to explore more of who that brother was.” Of course, it was actually said sibling who was named James, and to date we have yet to learn Charming’s own name. So…? “We will find out. We will find out,” Dallas promises. And in the way of hints, he says, “It’s surprising… and it’s obvious.”


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