Creativity Magazine

Jolly Old Saint Christmas Mailer– What Was I Thinking??

By Mrstrongest @mrstrongarm

First of all: my apologies for being so long between posts. I’ve just finished a challenging assignment, and must immediately begin another.

Desperate times call for desperate measures– and desperate illustrators who blog call for weird stuff from their dubious past. Like the following piece, for example.

It dates back to 2008. I used it as a Christmas mailer. I actually sent it to all my past clients. I look at it now, and wonder why I still have any clients– what was I thinking?? No, don’t answer that…

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Illustrator Mark Armstrong promotional mailer postcard Christmas holiday gretting to art directors clients

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Historical note: the photo’s from a local community theater production. I played a
slightly unhinged politician. I know, I know: is there any other kind??

I’m older and more decrepit now, but even more ruggedly handsome.

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Have you ever come across an old photo or keepsake and wondered what on earth could have possessed you?

Do you use postcards or other items to promote your business? Care to share any tips?

Would you buy an illustration from the dapper gentleman pictured above??

Hope you’ll leave a comment.

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