Fashion Magazine

Join The Club

By Alla @SugarnSpiceBlog

Join The ClubPart of my sunglasses collection that I recently wear a lot!! Including my new Vogue (On the right)
Hey guys, 
As you already know, I recently received this lovely gift from Bahrain Optica; a beautiful Vogue sunglasses -Here-. I have ditched my other glasses for this baby, and I'm afraid to say that it became one of my favorite sunnies so far!!
And to be honest with you, before getting this gift, I wasn't quiet aware of Vogue's eye-wear collections at all!! But now that I know of their existence, and seen most of their products and how they suit my face shape, I am falling deeply in love with this brand!!  
Join The Club
So, have you guys checked out Vogue eye-wear collections? If not, please see -Here- and you will know what I was talking about!
Enjoy your weekend... xxx

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