Fashion Magazine

Join Me? May Be?

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

Every year I impose a shopping ban on myself. It all started when I attempted 30 by 30 in 2010, and didn't shop for 30 days. To challenge myself I imposed a 2 month ban in 2011 and then again a 3 month ban last year. Now, we are going for 4 months this year y'all. And to make it even more torturing challenging I am going to start on 1st Feb (my birthday month), i.e. no shopping for my birthday either. Now you may ask, 'Why?'. Well, for starters I am weird. I like doing things which push my boundaries for no rhyme or reason. And secondly, I am over birthdays. But thats a topic for another post. 

Lately, I cannot help but cringe over the materialistic world we have formed around us. We are all dwelling in excess. Believing in retail therapy more than believing in ourselves. Why do we feel we need to shop to feel happy? As Tyler Durden puts it in Fight Club: "We buy things we don’t need, with money we don’t have, to impress people we don’t like." I am just trying NOT to be that person.

I have always been a big believer in savings. If you give me money, chances are I will straight away put it into my savings (using it only for emergencies and travel!). And to be really honest I have not shopped much last year, and in fact I haven't bought a single thing in last 2 months. So I do not really 'need' the ban, but I 'want' to do it just to know my power, my control and feel good about myself. Its like winning an easy battle helps me face the harder ones with greater confidence. In the process if I end up saving some money too, then I am not complaining. 

I had mentioned this on twitter yesterday and a bunch of people showed interest in joining me on the 'shopping ban', so I thought I will let everyone know on the blog too so that should you wish to join in, you have enough time to plan and prepare. If you are interested in joining me, below is a form that you can fill out. You do not have to start or end with me. You can pick your own date and duration. Over the next 3 weeks, I will share with you how you can prepare for the ban and what I have learnt from my previous three. The list would be open for everyone who participates so that we can visit each others' blog and see how we are doing.  

Talking of shopping ban, my another favorite kind of shopping is, 'shopping my mom's closet'. I find one-of-kind pieces which are traditional, chic and top-notch quality. Like this wrap I am wearing below: 
Join me? May be?

Join me? May be?

Join me? May be?

Join me? May be?

Join me? May be?

Join me? May be?

Join me? May be?
Shawl - Inherited from Mom [Don't know!] Top - OASAP [12'] Skirt - Old Navy [11'] Tights - Falke [10'] Shoes - Lucky Brand [10'] Earrings - c/o INPINK [12'] Ring - Crazy & Co. [12'] On my eyes - master drama by Maybelline On my lips - Mocha via MAC
Join me? May be?

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