Entertainment Magazine

John Mayer Born and Raised

Posted on the 22 May 2012 by Koridonahue @blondeepisodes
John Mayer Born and Raised
It's rare that I do a music post, but I'm so excited about John Mayer's upcoming album, I had to share.  I've been a John Mayer fan since the beginning of his career, but have loved every new album more than the one before.  His new album, titled "Born and Raised," is a little bit folk, rock, pop, and soul all wrapped into one.  I'm not sure I'm loving his new long hair look (he's wearing a hat that looks like the one that Shooter wore in "Secret Window" if you saw that film), but he's still looking good.
I also love, love, love the album cover art...check it out above.  John posted some photos of his video shoot for "Shadow Days" on his Tumblr.  Here they are:
John Mayer Born and Raised
John Mayer Born and Raised
John Mayer Born and Raised
John Mayer Born and Raised
John Mayer Born and Raised
And here's John sharing the CD and cover art a few days ago:
John Mayer Born and Raised
John Mayer Born and Raised
Here's the video for the first single to be released, "Shadow Days"

Are you as excited as I am?  The album is released today on itunes.
All images courtesy of John Mayer's Tumblr

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