Philosophy Magazine

Job: Tenure-track Position in Philosophy of Science Or Logic, University of Salzburg

By Wuthrich

The Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences at the University of Salzburg seeks applications for a tenure-track position in philosophy of science or logic. The appointment will be made within the Austrian A2 salary scheme (initial salary is at least 56.485,80 Euro per annum with automatic pay
increases as detailed in the “Kollektivvertrag für die ArbeitnehmerInnen der Universitäten”). The starting date is 1 October 2014.
The Department of Philosophy in Salzburg is known for its analytic and formal approach to philosophy. The logic and philosophy of science unit is led by the newly-appointed Professor Charlotte Werndl (formerly at London School of Economics). The Department is expanding and two additional full professors and several Assistant professors (tenure-track positions) and doctoral students will be hired in the next months and years. The appointee will join a vibrant philosophy community. There will be colloquia with international speakers as well as various other activities such as workshops, conferences and reading groups.

The main tasks of the appointee will be research and teaching in philosophy of science or logic. The research should use analytic and formal methods to address philosophical questions. The initial teaching load is four hours per semester on average (eight hours on average after tenure). The appointee will also be expected to supervise Ph.D. and Master students and to take on some management tasks. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in philosophy, philosophy of science or logic. Publications in internationally leading journals, interdisciplinary research and evidence of visibility in the international scientific community are desirable.

The employment is initially for six years. After a successful tenure procedure it will be made permanent. The conditions for tenure are either the achievement of certain aims (which will be agreed upon before the start of employment) or a habilitation. The tenure procedure usually takes place after four to six years (for advanced
candidates this can be earlier).

Fluency in German is not mandatory at the time of application. However, the expectation is that the appointee will be able to teach in German from the third year of the appointment onwards. Master and Ph.D. courses can be taught in English, but undergraduate courses are usually taught in German.

Applications should be sent to the rector of the University of Salzburg:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schmidinger
Serviceeinrichtung Personal
Kapitelgasse 4
5020 Salzburg

by 27 December 2013 (date stamp). Please include the job reference number (GZ A 0175/1-2013) in your application. The application should include a cover letter addressing the academic background and research interests, a CV, a list of publications, a list of teaching experience, a research plan and two writing samples (10.000 word limit for each writing sample). No reference letters are needed. Interviews are expected to take place in January or February 2014.

All the information needed to apply for the job are given in this announcement, but for the official announcement from the University of Salzburg see:

The University of Salzburg especially encourages female scholars to apply. Given equal qualification, female scholars will be preferred. Severely physically challenged individuals are also especially encouraged to apply. For informal inquiries, please contact Professor Charlotte Werndl ([email protected]).

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