Fashion Magazine

Jo Malone Brunch at Neiman Marcus

By Tamera Beardsley @tamerabeardsley
Jo Malone Brunch at Neiman Marcus
I continued my infatuation with Jo Malonewith a brunch at Neiman Marcuswhere the exclusive scent for Neiman's was introduced over brunch in the Mosaic restaurant.
Jo Malone Brunch at Neiman Marcus
I wanted to learn more about Jo Malone's layering concept when it comes to their fragrances.
Jo Malone Brunch at Neiman Marcus
Jo Malone Brunch at Neiman Marcus
Neiman Marcus is always one of my favorite outingsso brunch and learning about fragrancesseemed a most lovely way to spend a Saturday morning.
Jo Malone Brunch at Neiman Marcus
The view from the restaurant.
Jo Malone Brunch at Neiman Marcus
The brunch plate was spectacularas the food at Neiman Marcus always is!
Jo Malone Brunch at Neiman Marcus
However I was most put off by Jo Malone's  representatives choice to decorate the table with bad quality faux peonies …during peony season no less.For a high end fragrance company …I must say it was quite a let down for meas well as the very late start to the event.
I don't know if the fact that  the company is now owned byEstee Lauderand is in corporate moderather thank functioning as a  single proprietor had anything to do with the cost cutting choice.Luckily the fabulous mimosassoon took my mind off the faux choiceas well as the choice that was made by the attendeesto move the error to the ends of the tables.
Jo Malone Brunch at Neiman Marcus
After a leisurely brunch during which all of attending got to chatthere was an instructional segmentthat began to feel like a schooled seminarwe were then invited back down stairs to shop.
Jo Malone Brunch at Neiman Marcus
We were treated to hand massagesas more of the layering of products were explainedthis time clearly by the using of the products.The Neiman's salespeople went out of their wayto sample the fragrances and different products I was interested in.
Jo Malone Brunch at Neiman Marcus
I left with some luxury splurgeswith a body oil that can also be used in the bath for soaking.
I chose the sugar scrub to start the fragrance processas well as a body cream.
To further extend the fragrance layering optionsI chose a sampler set of fragrancesto round out my initial Peony Blush Suede choice.
Jo Malone Brunch at Neiman Marcus
I am definitely set for a while as far as fragrances go
as I look forward to coming up
with Jo Malone's concept
of finding my own custom scent as I combine products and fragrances.
I have definitely been enjoying the process of learning more
about the power of fragrance.
From wearing it
to introducing it into my favorite living spaces!
Jo Malone Brunch at Neiman Marcus
As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life

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