I was lucky to have been sent a set to try out and I thought you'd maybe want to hear my thoughts on it.
Let's start off with some background info - my hair is naturally wavy but because it is long and heavy right now, it sits relatively straight and limp. I let my hair dry naturally to really let you see it's natural texture.
I read the instructions before I started out which seemed pretty straight forward - it explains temperature control, how to use and all of that but one thing caught me off guard.

The instruction manual advises you to plug this directly into a mains socket rather than an extension cord which I found strange. I'm not certain, but perhaps the brush doesn't heat to it's full capacity this way - I'm really not certain but I plugged it straight into the mains as directed.
I put this on it's maximum heat (185°C and lowest 150°C) because my hair is quite long and thick. I sectioned off my hair using some clips and once it had reached it's temperature (you can see it changing on the LCD display) I began to use it.

The brush is relatively lightweight, it is a bit bulkier than an actual hairbrush but not by much. I started slowly combing through my hair by working this away from the face, not towards the face. It took a few brushes but it did the job quite well.
As I worked through the rest of the hair, I realised I was taking possibly twice the time I normally would to just grab a bit of hair and straighten it. I definitely did get a straight finish but not as straight as when I use my actual straighteners.
The upshot is, I like them, I don't love them. I like that they do what they say on the box but I dislike the fact that they don't over perform. They take longer to use than I can be assed with but they're definitely great for anyone who gets curly hair at the drop of a hat and need to refresh their locks now and again.
Are you a fan of these?
H x