It has been a while since there has been a FANGPINION on the blog and right now is just a good time as any. It may or may not be the last one but just in case, we are going to make it a good one.
We have been on this journey, B Erika Evie and I for what feels like forever. We have laughed, cried and laughed some more right along with you, our faithful readers. We have also ranted and raved about this show and all to no avail, except to feel a wee bit better. Yet, we remained because we had to see it through to the end. Well, tonight, that end will come and it will probably fly right on by as if it were nothing special at all. Except, it was special or at least it used to be before it jumped the shark. Still, we could not walk away.
I thought I was fine, that I was actually okay with the end being near, until I saw a heartfelt tweet from Evie and the floodgates opened. It hit me and it hit me hard. Never again will we meet in ‘our staff room’ to map out the season’s reviews. Never again will we plan out special posts or talk about the upcoming new season. Never again, will we talk about the promotion posters or the little ‘drops of True Blood’ aka ‘teasers’ and who is available to post these things. Never again, will we wait for news from Comic-Con regarding True Blood and the panel.
Never again, will we have new Eric Northman goodies to gush about and I am in mourning for all that and I have dreaded it. That time is almost upon us all and I am going to miss doing all those things with my Viking Sister’s, B Erika and Evie. True Blood might have turned into a HOT MESS but it was our HOT MESS, something we dealt with together and loved together. So tonight let’s have a wee dram or two and have one last salute to True Blood and ourselves for staying #truetotheend as much as we could. It could have been so beautiful, if only, if only! Slàinte Mhath TRUBIES!
True blood for me was never just about the show… But about the bounds of friendship. When I first started watching, I never thought I’d jump into the fandom… But I did and have not regretted it one bit. I am a Proud Member of Team Eric and will be till the day I die. This fandom has brought me such joy over the past several years… As well as solace. I started the VW accounts on Twitter and Tumblr as a fun way to express my Eric love to the world (an off shoot from the @ssbookclub account). Then one day I got word one of my good friends was diagnosed with cancer. I started tell her about the ins and outs of the fandom to keep her entertained as she went through chemo. It worked for a bit, she laughed…. The weekend she started hospice care, I locked my self away with my computer and started the VW blog on word press as a way to channel my emotions. And I blogged. The week she passed away, I looked to you guys on twitter for a sense of normalcy and found the VW account had just been added to the Ultimate Truebie list by @truebloodhbo’s twitter account. It gave me the warm feeling I so needed. In typical me fashion, I carried on and gave my all to this fandom over the years. She would have loved hearing about California and SDCC. With the show making its final bow tonight, I find myself in a sea of memories cause In a way I’m saying goodbye to her all over again as well as saying good bye to Eric.
Talk about a double whammy.
As a fandom, we’ve had good times and bad. I prefer to focus on the good. You all have made me so happy to be a part of this extended family of ours. I will fully admit to crying over the past few days (hell, since SDCC) and have been quieter here then normal. But know that I love you all.
Tonight is inevitable and I will wake up Monday morning with a sense of loss. But I will raise my glass tomorrow night 3 times. To salute Erika, Evie, Nymerias, and all of you. To salute Eric and the cast and crew of True Blood. And to Colette, may she still be laughing at my antics.
Well, that was a verra hard thing to type but we wanted to let that out. If they are feeling up to it later, there may be another of this type of fangpinion on the way from Erika and Evie.
As per usual sound off below and I leave you with our Viking!