Jill Simpson, the retired Alabama lawyer who testified before Congress regarding the political prosecution of former Democratic governor Don Siegelman, is fighting breast cancer -- and that, plus business downturns for her husband, Jim March, have put them in a tight financial spot. They need help from Legal Schnauzer readers, as Jim explains in the video above.
Both Jill and Jim have been powerful and effective voices for honesty and integrity in government -- with Jill providing regular commentary here at the blog on matters of law and politics. Her Facebook page provides some of the most insightful analysis on public affairs you are likely to find at any social-media outlet.
What are some of Jill's contributions to public awareness on matters of national and international impotance? She has unmasked Karl Rove as a political thug and criminal in a way that perhaps no other American has. She was among the first political observers to note the influence of Russian oligarchs and mobsters with our government -- especially in Alabama, over a $40-billion Air Force tanker-refueling project that stood to be partially constructed in Mobile. Many Americans probably first heard the name Oleg Deripaska due to Jill's research about the Putin crony's alliance with Jeff Sessions on the tanker deal -- which ultimately went to U.S.-based Boeing over the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Co. (EADS).
Jill Simpson and Jim March
Jim, a former political operative and election-integrity expert, now works as a truck driver -- and he has seen certain sectors of the industry struggle recently. Jim already has taken steps to move to a more profitable trucking sector -- car hauling -- but he and Jill still face a serious financial crunch in the near term.I've known Jill almost from the day Legal Schnauzer started in June 2007. I know Jill and Jim to be a smart, courageous couple, who care deeply about their country and the democratic process. In fact, they were part of a nationwide effort that likely ensured Republicans would not steal the 2008 presidential election. Those who are glad Barack Obama spent eight years in the White House probably should thank Jill and Jim because they played a significant role in making that happen
In short, Jill and Jim face a shortfall of $2,000 to $2,500 -- as Jim explains in the video. He also explains how Schnauzer readers can help. After watching he video, we hope you will consider making a contribution. Details on contributing ate at the summary below the video at Jim's YouTube channel.
Thank you.