I like Lana Del Rey.

This might not seem like a big deal to you. Chances are, you're a fan.
The reason this revelation is so distressing to me is because I debuted my Jenny's Mouthwash on this blog last October with a post revealing the truth behind Lana. It was actually quite a controversial post.

Her image, like almost every single celebrity in history, is fake.
The name, the face, the personality: It's all an illusion.
Almost a year ago, when I researched Lana, I was horrified by what I read in interviews. I was angry about the blatant lies she told, such as stating she had never had her lips injected and that she grew up in a trailer park.

It made me feel as though she was playing us all for fools. And let's be real, she was.
But that's show business.
She's not the first celebrity to create a fake image for the world to admire. She won't be the last.

I think the reason so many people felt disgusted and betrayed was not because the Lana persona was fake, but because we saw it become fake and it embarrassed us. The internet, and media sources, like TMZ, have taken away the shroud of mystery behind Hollywood stars.
It's kind of the same concept of going to McDonalds. You like their fries. You drink their shakes. (You'll never admit it to me, but you eat their burgers.) It's delicious. But if you ever had to go into the kitchen and see how the food was actually prepared, you'd be appalled. You might even become a vegetarian.

Hollywood was built on mystery. It was built on fairytales. And how are we supposed to swallow the fairytale when we saw it being written?

Imagine if in the 1950s, there had been reality television. And instead of American Idol, there was Hollywood Idol, where we got to see Norma Jean Baker and Audrey Ruston transform from everyday girls into movie stars with different names. Would they be the same legendary Hollywood icons they are today? Doubtful.

We crave the mystery, but it doesn't exist anymore.

So instead of respecting Lana Del Rey as an artist, or even as a celebrity, we're reduced to simply obsessing over her brilliantly produced music and admiring her gorgeous photos on weheartit.

Lana Del Rey has everything it takes to be an icon. She just has the wrong generation.