Family Magazine

JavaScript – What is the DOM & DOM Manipulation? [2023]

By Geoff Griffiths @mmatraining1980

The Document Object Model – is a structured representation of an HTML document.

You can use the DOM to “connect” HTML to CSS and JS.

The DOM is often said to have a tree structure or a hierarchy like a family with children and parents

JavaScript – What is the DOM & DOM Manipulation? [2023]

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Selecting & Manipulating Elements with JavaScript

You can use “document” to ‘enter’ the document – as in the top level of the HTML document as shown in the tree diagram above.

  • use “querySelector” to select a specific element in the DOM.

For example document.querySelector(‘.message’).textContent

Will select the text content of the element with the class of “message”

Once you have selected the content, use the equals sign = to update it.

document.querySelector(‘.message’).textContent = ‘Correct Number!’

The ‘code’ on the line above, will change the text-content found in the element .message to “Correct Number!”

“textContent” will only work if the element is something like a paragraph, that holds content.

If you have a value input field, like on a form or something similar, you may have to use .value instead of .textContent

document.querySelector(‘.guess’).value = 23;

JavaScript – What is the DOM & DOM Manipulation? [2023]

The code on the left, adds “23” as the input value to the form/input field on the right^

Screenshot from The Complete JavaScript Course

Handling Click Events

In this example, the button has a class of “check”

document.querySelector(‘.check’) – will select the button with the class of “check”

Then we need to use the addEventListener() method. The addEventListener method, basically looks out for events such as button clicks.

JavaScript – What is the DOM & DOM Manipulation? [2023]

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Event Listener ^looks out for events such as button clicks.

We can add the event we want to look out for, in this example a click:


  • Now we need to tell the event listener what to do what it observers a click

addEventListener(‘click’ function () {

The code in bold, will take the value from the element called “guess” and print it to the “console.log”.

JavaScript – What is the DOM & DOM Manipulation? [2023]

Screenshot from The Complete JavaScript Course

The code above prints 9 to the console.log

the element with the class of “guess” is the form input field containing the number 9:

JavaScript – What is the DOM & DOM Manipulation? [2023]

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