Entertainment Magazine

Jason & Brit: Connect the Dots

Posted on the 12 September 2022 by Hctf @hctf
Jason & Brit: Connect the Dots

Austing based synth pop duo Jason & Brit try to make sense of the QAnon inspired events on January 6th. How do people fall for a bunch of blatant lies and decide that it is OK to attack the Capitol? On their new single Connect the Dots references the verbal imagery that had such a devastating effect on the mindset of a lot of people. And it's still out there, waiting for another opportunity to strike again.

Connect the Dots is a self-released single. Buy it from their website. It is a track from their new Survival Skills EP, due for release on September 16th.

Live date:
  • 09/17 Austin, TX @ Meanwhile Brewing
    (EP release party w/ Stockhausen & The Amplified Riot)

» jasonandbrit.band

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