Politics Magazine

Jan. 19 – 2014 Quartz Hill Pageant Recruiting Local Queens

Posted on the 14 December 2013 by Jim Winburn @civicbeebuzz

1120_quartzhill_pageant_w200_res72 The 2014 Quartz Hill Pageant will be accepting applications for its Queens through Jan. 19, 2014.

The Pageant is sponsored by the Quartz Hill Woman’s Club and Quartz Hill Chamber of Commerce, quartzhillchamber.com.

The community of Quartz Hill holds an annual pageant, where talented young women compete for the titles of Miss Quartz Hill, Junior Miss Quartz Hill, and Little Miss Quartz Hill. Typically these young ladies are from high school or Junior College, middle school and elementary schools, respectfully.

In early March of each year, the pageant is held at a local auditorium, and the new Queens start their annual reign. The Queens support Antelope Valley events, local Chambers of Commerce, the A.V Fair and ride in community parades.

Enter early! Each division will be limited to 12 contestants.

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Contestants must have lived within the following boundaries for at least six months:
– West of 20th St. West
– East of 80th St. West
– South of Avenue J
– North of Avenue P

Age groups for the Pageant include the following (as of Aug. 1, 2014):
– Little Miss: 6-8 years old
– Junior Miss: 11-14 years old
– Miss: 16-19 years old

Please contact Ginny Beaver at 661-609-3334 for further information.

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