Politics Magazine

Jan. 10 – Joshua Tree Workshop to Relocate Soda Mountains Solar Project

Posted on the 18 December 2013 by Jim Winburn @civicbeebuzz

0106_yuccavalley_sodamtns_w200_res72 Stop the Soda Mountains Solar Project and Protect the Mojave National Preserve!

Attend NPCA’s pre-BLM meeting workshop on Jan. 10 from 4-6 pm at Joshua Tree Art Gallery, joshuatreeartgallery.com, to find out what you can do to make sure renewable energy projects are smart from the start! RSVP to Seth Shteir – [email protected] or visit his Facebook page at facebook.com/seth.shteir. The Joshua Tree Art Gallery is located at 61607 29 Palms Hwy, Joshua Tree, CA 92252.

Then send a clear message to BLM decision makers the next day at the BLM Meeting at the Yucca Valley Travel Lodge from 1-4 pm!

Renewable energy projects should be smart from the start, but the Soda Mountains Solar project is the poster child for inappropriately sited renewable energy projects and threatens the Mojave National Preserve, bighorn sheep migration corridors, desert tortoise habitat, the endangered tui chub, and scenic viewsheds.

All concerned members of the public. Join award winning environmental journalist Chris Clarke and National Parks Conservation Association’s (NPCA) David Lamfrom and Seth Shteir to learn about the Soda Mountains Project at NPCA’s Soda Mountains Solar Workshop! Then send a clear message to decision makers that you want renewable energy projects to be smart from the start at the Bureau of Land Management’s Soda Mountains Solar Meeting the next day!

NPCA’s Soda Mountains Solar Workshop will teach participants what they can do to make sure that this project is relocated to a low conflict area and help them craft meaningful comments to be delivered the next day at the Bureau of Land Management’s Soda Mountains Solar Meeting.

The Bureau of Land Management’s Soda Mountains Solar Meeting will include a presentation from the project proponents, learning stations and time for you to make a public comment.

National Parks Conservation Association’s (NPCA) Soda Mountains Solar Workshop will be held on Friday, January 10 from 4-6 pm at the Joshua Tree Art Gallery, joshuatreeartgallery.com. Light refreshments will be served.

Bureau of Land Management’s Soda Mountains Solar Public Meeting will be held on Saturday, January 11 from 1-4 pm at the Travel Lodge in Yucca Valley, California (54850 29 Palms Hwy, Yucca Valley, CA.).

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