The past few years have been a few years of exploring other interests between interior decorating and my online fashion boutique I tried out. I’ve been in this weird phase of trying to run away from photography, because it became that hobby I once loved to then becoming a “job” and slowly over time losing that passion which once stirred inside of me. So last year, the hubby and I retired cold turkey from everything related to photography. We no longer took on any more bookings, as hard as that was to turn away jobs, because I was simply burned out and needed a break. All throughout the year, people asked me, “Do you think you’ll ever pick up your camera again?” and I was quick to answer “Nope, done with that career.”
But then lately, I began thinking about picking up my camera again. And this shocked me. I truly thought I was over and done with it. But as I explored the possibility, and prayed about what’s next, all I could think about was one genre, and one genre only. High school senior girls. Those shoots were always my favorite because I loved passing along the gift of confidence through my camera to these girls about to set out to conquer a brave new world ahead of them. And not to mention it’s like fabulous mini fashion shoots now-a-days! It’s a genre I always wished I could explore more, but we were always so busy with weddings and family portraits, though I am extremely grateful for the beautiful part of my past that they were.
So now. I’m going for it. I’ve created a brand new website, Scarlett Lillian Seniors, for this new niche I will now be specializing in, and you can find my new online world as a Jacksonville Senior Photographer over at http://www.scarlettlillianseniors.com.