Hoover, at his death, left Tolson most of his estate. Their relationship, by all appearances, was stable, discreet and long-lasting. But what they did physically behind closed doors, if anything, they kept between them.
Photos like these from the 1930s of Hoover and Tolson together, however, tell a story:
Hoover and Tolson are in the middle, wearing matching suits.

Hoover and Tolson attending a prize fight in New York City.

Again, Hoover and Tolson stand in the middle, with matching suits and spats.

Hoover sits at his desk, and Tolson stands directly behind him, hand on Hoover's chair.

Hoover and Tolson on vacation.

Tolson and Hoover, as payed by Leonardo DiCaprio (on right) and Armie Hammer (on left).