Community Magazine

iwCLL 2013: Part 2: Dr. George Calin Explains More About the Critical Role of micro-RNA in CLL

By Bkoffman
Besides addressing our critical importance of needing to understand the biology of our cancer in order to stop it, in Part Two of my interview from iwCLL 2013, Dr. George Calin of MDACC gives us a brief history lesson on micro-RNA and its relevance for us in unlocking the mysteries of CLL.
He also reinforces and enhances our modern understanding that CLL is not just about our stupid clone or clones, but it is all about how that stupid clone or clones prospers and evolves with the support of many helper or nurse cells that have been tricked into coming to the cancer's aid. Micro-RNA is one way all these cells communicate.
Anti-micro-RNA therapies are already being explored in other cancers. See my immediate prior post.
More than that, he touches on one of my favorite themes: the need to have better predictive tests so that we can individualize therapies. He visualizes a time when, by measuring these tiny "non-coding" pieces of genetic material in the blood, we will be able to better predict what therapies will work for which patients, saving much unnecessary treatments with all the attendant risk of collateral damage.
In the second and final part of the interview, Dr.  Calin expands on the research that he is doing to help all of with CLL.

The abstracts from ASH have just been released and I am going to be very busy reviewing and digesting and commenting on some of the major ones here, but first, in lead up to ASH in December, I have several more very relevant video interviews including hearing from Dr. Kipps, Byrd, Pagel, Kay, and Sharman from the iwCLL meeting in Cologne to post here over the next few weeks.
This is the last  iwCLL interview that is mostly basic science.  The rest are more "clinical" and more immediately relevant.
I will be attending ASH again, and welcome your suggestions for questions and concerns for when I meet with the leading researchers. Drop me an email or comment and I'll try to help. After all, we are all in this together.

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