Dining Out Magazine

Its Been a While

By Mohana21
Its been a while

Can you believe that the last time I updated anything on this site was in 2017? 6 years! 6 bloody years have gone by since I last shared a story and so much has happened since then. I barely travel these days. I don't have a lot of stories to tell. But sometimes I like to sit and think of the girl I used to be. The girl who started this blog with such zeal and a glitter in her eyes to make travel her full-time job. It hasn't happened but the dream never died.

While I may have stopped uploading my stories here, my quest for storytelling shifted to another platform where I have now been active for a while, you can check out my stories there.

But till then, I will leave you with some memories I made in the last few years.

jusqu'à ce que nous nous revoyions ❤

Its been a while
Its been a while

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