All signs are that the monstrosity called Obamacare (or the Affordable Care Act) is on ICU life support.

Even Time magazine calls Obamacare Obama’s “broken promise.” Below is the cover of the latest edition of Time:

The White House knew the Obamacare website had problems, but launched it anyway.
Obama had said in a press conference last week that the Obamacare website’s problems were a surprise to him: “We would not have rolled out something, knowing very well it wasn’t going to work out the way it’s supposed to.”
But Ed Henry reports for FoxNews that “new documents obtained by Fox suggest people inside this administration just one week before the website launch had fears that it may fail, more fears than they may have led on publicly.”
Specifically, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services director Henry Chao wrote in an email on September 25, 2013 about “this fear the White House has about [] being unavailable. I think we should have a more comprehensive answer as to how we will ensure high availability on the site.”
Nor has the website been fixed, despite Obama’s assurances it will.
On Tuesday, Nov. 19, seven weeks to the day since was launched, at a much-publicized meeting with Obamacare “navigators,” the website crashed while HHS director Kathleen Sebelius tried to help a woman to sign up online. LOL

Worse still, if you go on the Obamacare website, the personal info you enter is not secure!
John Parkinson reports for ABC News that at a Congressional hearing on Nov. 19, 2013, cyber security experts said the Obama administration should take offline until privacy vulnerabilities are addressed and detection capabilities are improved. David Kennedy, a so-called “white hat hacker” who tests security flaws by hacking online systems to help identify weaknesses, warned that there are critical flaws and exposures “currently on the website that hackers could use to extract sensitive information. [...] Just by looking at the website, we can see that there is just fundamental security principles that are not being followed.”
Even worse, an Obamacare navigator is conspiring to release your private data.
Who needs computer hackers when Obamacare’s navigators are using your private data for political gain?
The latest sting video from James O’Keefe and his intrepid Project Veritas team caught on tape Chris Tarango, the communications director of Texas Enroll America, agreeing to help obtain a private list of potential Obamacare enrollee data for election/political purposes. Tarango goes so far to say he’ll “do whatever it f****** takes.”
Even more medical plan cancellations are coming, 50-100 million more!
Fox News reports, Nov. 20, 2013, that “a new and independent analysis of ObamaCare warns of a ticking time bomb, predicting a second wave of 50 million to 100 million insurance policy cancellations next fall — right before the mid-term elections. The next round of cancellations and premium hikes is expected to hit employees, particularly of small businesses.”
Supporters of Obamacare are paid to do so with your tax dollars.
Floyd Brown reports for Capitol Hill Daily: “By now, we’re all very familiar with Obamacare’s failed rollout. Yet one mystery remains: Why are some publications still praising the disgraced law? Well, the answer is simple: These publications collect millions from the government’s coffers.” WebMD, which has become a non-stop cheerleader for Obamacare, is an example.
93% of Americans want Obamacare changed or repealed.
John Nolte reports for that a new CBS poll finds that only 7% of the American public want ObamaCare “kept in place.” A full 93% either believe that changes are needed to the law (48%) or want a full repeal (43%). This pits Obama and Democrat lawmakers — who thus far have refused to make any meaningful changes — against 93% of the American people and 72% of Democrats.
It’s high time to just put this Obamacare monstrosity out of its misery.