My mom and dad have been like two kids on Christmas waiting for the first coat of paint to hit the walls.
My awesome hubs told my dad in December that we would paint the house for them. I am really lucky to have someone that not only helps take care of his side of the family, but also looks after my side too!
The day before yesterday was a lot of fixing and patching and mudding and remudding, and then the walls of the dining room were fixed and ready to paint.

So yesterday we got the first coat on the walls and I really LOVE the color. It's another one I will be adding to my go to paint colors. My mom was there as promised to see the first blob of paint hit the wall, but she left us just long enough to fix us breakfast and later lunch. We work for food! That's why we get there hungry in the mornings and leave stuffed in the afternoons.
And today is day 2 of painting. We will be painting trim work, adding a second coat of paint to the walls, painting the ceiling, and if time allows, priming the banister on the staircase.
From the Design Board I created, my mom and dad were able to pick up a table very similar to the one in the design for $50. It is a 57 in. round all wood table. So they scored BIG!