Home Magazine

It's Only Just Begun

By Seasideinteriors @seasideinterio1
We finally began the first room for my parent's Home Makeover!  Their Dining Room.   This is definitely a much needed makeover.
My mom and dad have been like two kids on Christmas waiting for the first coat of paint to hit the walls. 
My awesome hubs told my dad in December that we would paint the house for them.  I am really lucky to have someone that not only helps take care of his side of the family, but also looks after my side too!
The day before yesterday was a lot of fixing and patching and mudding and remudding, and then the walls of the dining room were fixed and ready to paint.      It's Only Just Begun The corner of the wall came undone, so quite a few screws later and we were back up running.       It's Only Just Begun   A big piece of the ceiling had come down, so Dustin mudded the first layer, which is what you see in the pic. above).  Then he sanded, used a spray that does touch ups for popcorn ceiling, and primed it.     It's Only Just Begun Getting the staircase primed for painting white!     I had mentioned that we chose Sherwin Williams' Repose Gray or as my two year old niece called it, WHITE.  Really she is no help with color decisions ;-)    
So yesterday we got the first coat on the walls and I really LOVE the color.  It's another one I will be adding to my go to paint colors.  My mom was there as promised to see the first blob of paint hit the wall, but she left us just long enough to fix us breakfast and later lunch.  We work for food!  That's why we get there hungry in the mornings and leave stuffed in the afternoons.
And today is day 2 of painting.  We will be painting trim work, adding a second coat of paint to the walls, painting the ceiling, and if time allows, priming the banister on the staircase.
From the Design Board I created, my mom and dad were able to pick up a table very similar to the one in the design for $50.  It is a 57 in. round all wood table.  So they scored BIG!   It's Only Just Begun       It's Only Just Begun It is pretty scratched up on the sides, so it will need wood filler, sanding, and a fresh coat of brown paint.  It is unique since it has 5 legs and enough room to fit five seats.      It's Only Just Begun   This week, I am putting their dining room table and hutch on Craigslist to put a little money back in the budget for the room.   I was also able to order their blinds from Amazon this week, so they should be here over the weekend sometime.    All in all we are moving right along with it.    If you enjoyed this post and don't want to miss out ;-) click up top there on the right and follow along!     For information on my on-line design services, please click here     For on-site design services {Greater Hampton Roads and Richmond Virginia}, please email seasideinteriors01@gmail.com for pricing and availability.   Seaside Interiors

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