Hair & Beauty Magazine

It's Okay to Talk to Yourself

By Hollysbeautybox @hollysbeautybox
If we're all being completely honest, we talk to ourselves. I do, you do, we all do!
I shout at myself if I've done something wrong, laugh to myself at jokes that I think of, procastinate over situations that I would have said something differently and I 100% talk to myself when I'm choosing an outfit to wear (We all do, let's be real..)
I make Youtube videos from time to time (yeah yeah, I know I'm ridiculously bad at regularly uploading). When I'm talking to the camera, it's kind of like I'm talking to myself, which is how I'm able to comfortably speak without feeling nervous, because I'm not nervous to talk to myself.
This week, it's Mental Health Awareness month, and I wanted to take some time to stop the stigma and for today's post, let you know that it's okay to talk to yourself.
"Of course I talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice!"
When experts say 'he was talking to himself in the street and blatantly needs help' - they're not talking about someone saying 'ah crap, I forgot to get bread', they're talking about someone who is having full conversations with someone who isn't there, someone who's day is spent having conversations with themselves and who cannot function otherwise.
I remember a few years back, someone said to me "you'll be telling me you've got voices in your head next!" and I freaked out. I thought that 'thoughts' were 'voices' and I was going to be taken away in a strait jacket (before any of you say 'talk about mental health profiling Holly, hear me out...). All of these things are perfectly normal and nothing to fear.
Now onto the part you're waiting to hear. Being taken away in a strait jacket is not a representation of what mental health is like, it's what ignorant people stereotype it to be. If you thought that, then I'm not judging! There's nothing wrong with thinking that way when you don't know differently. Again, we've all done it, we've all made flash judgements that are not necessarily right or PC.
Fear is what causes ignorance when it comes to most things in life, and that includes mental health but truly, there's nothing to be afraid of.
People who pray could arguably be talking to themselves, people who blog could arguably be talking to themselves, but who cares?
If for any reason you feel like you do need help, reach out to your GP. Mental illness is an illness as much as a physical ailment is. It needs to be treated - and not necessarily with medication (which by the way has changed so much in the last few years and is nothing to fear). There are numerous options that you'd be surprised by.
My GP told me that one in three of his patients are visiting him with mental health issues and it's nothing new, we just seem to be much more open about it now more than ever.
If you need a chat with someone about ANYTHING that is bothering you, click here to find someone to help. You can chat confidentially if you choose.
You can also reach out to me, strength in numbers and all that! If you fancy a chat or just need to let some steam off, then you can email me at or get in touch on twitter, facebook or instagram - @hollysbeautybox on all platforms.
Just remember, it's okay to talk to yourself. You're perfectly normal. To find out more about Mental Health, visit the Mental Health Awareness Week website.
H x

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