So, it’s been a long time since I’ve blown up, and I recently did on an innocent bystander working in the customer service industry. I let my emotions get the best of me, and coming from a customer service background, I can’t say I’m too proud of my actions. But I was bamboozled to say the least, and I wasn’t about to let myself get taken advantage of. It got me thinking about the integrity of products in our society now a days, but honestly I’m questioning the honesty of just about everything in general. Being someone who constantly positive, and sees the best in everyone and everything, this situation really hit a nerve.
We’re no strangers to “terms and conditions” and “disclaimers” in just about everything we may buy, or experience, but do you really ever read them? I can vouch for myself, and I’m sure for majority of the population, that we quickly skim through or completely bypass the pages straight to the line where our signature is required or the “I Agree” check box is. I’ll admit, I’m guilty of not reading the minuscule terms and conditions for the product I purchased, but it’s another thing when the truth to what you’re actually buying, as in the fact that you’re purchasing a trial instead of the full product, isn’t clearly explained to you in the details before you follow through and spend your money.
I’m one for admitting I was wrong, and my fault for not reading the disclaimer, but when you explain products, customers like to be given easy full details of what they’ll be getting. We don’t want to be searching or looking other ways to fully understand a product or experience. Bottom line, towards the end of my “heated” experience with this customer service representative, who wasn’t necessarily cooperating with me which didn’t help my usual calm nature, I realized that my anger and frustration was only making the situation more hostile. My situation did get resolved, but I wasn’t happy with the way I handled it. I was more upset and frustrated with the falsity I experienced, but I was also angry at myself for over looking those small details. In all sincerity, the commercial world is all about money, and they will do what they can to take advantage of the slight innocence you may have.
After a few short deep breaths, I saw that I had now placed my negative energy onto this person, and I felt extremely guilty and disheartened with my aggressive and persuasive attitude. It wasn’t me, I always have the most respect for people in customer service, especially since it’s my background. So I realized what had happened, happened, and it was better to change my attitude and end this call on a better note.
When it comes to dealing with annoying circumstances in customer service, as we are often faced with, somehow someway the situation will get resolved. How quickly, or how much in your favor it will play out comes down to a person’s actions and attitude. Positivity and good manners will always triumph rudeness, and although I lived that way before, I value it much more now. But the biggest lesson I took away from this experience is that I will never buy, sign, or agree to anything without rereading and fully understanding all the terms that come attached. It seems like not overlooking the fine print is necessary, and that goes along with anything life.
Life is made up of a million little details that we can’t and shouldn’t ignore. Every action, every choice plays its course in full circle. If you do one thing, yet overlook another, in its own time it will come full circle and effect something else. It’s the funny thing about life, but it comes down to how you approach obstacles that come your way. We all have those moments that hit the wrong nerve and we get angry, but it’s important to remember to just breathe. To take that moment to think about your next action, and the energy that you put out. You won’t ever regret or feel guilty about accomplishing something when you do it with a good and genuine approach. Positivity and good energy, will always get you ahead.