Society Magazine

It's Donald Trump and the Republican Party Vs the Rest of the World

Posted on the 21 December 2017 by Morage @kebmebms

It's Donald Trump and the Republican Party vs the Rest of the World
When you think about this past year, with Donald Trump, President (it still depresses me), you have to recognize and accept that it's all become, yes, in fact, Donald Trump vs everyone else, vs all others, groups, individuals, everything and everybody.  Really. Think about it.
During the campaign last year and even after, it was him vs even what was supposed to be his own political party:

Trump Attacks Republicans for Giving Up 

on His Campaign

Donald Trump Berates Paul Ryan 

and 'Disloyal' Republicans

To prove my point further, once he became President, it didn't stop.

Trump's attacks stun Republican senators

Fallout grows as Trump continues attacks 

on fellow GOP members 

And they weren't easy attacks:

Trump Attacks Republicans As 'Fools'

Once President, he took us, the US out of the Paris climate accord, the only nation in the world against it, suddenly.

The US is now the only country 

not part of Paris climate agreement

Syria Joins Paris Climate Accord, 

Leaving Only U.S. Opposed

Next, he's followed that up with his and the Republican Party's tax bill they've created, fought for and just passed yesterday.

Most Americans think the Republican tax bill 

is a bad idea

Why Everybody Hates the GOP Tax Bill

Economists were against this latest Trump/Republican Party tax plan, for pity's sake.

Economists Say The Trump Tax Plan Will Have Disastrous Consequences

Here's a best example.

The Republicans' “Win” on Taxes Is a Loss 

for American Democracy

Now, today, of course, Mr. Trump and his representative at the United Nations are all going after any and all other nations that vote in that body against his bone-headed idea of making Jerusalem the capitol city of Israel.

Trump threatens to cut aid 

to countries over UN Jerusalem vote

I'm telling you, it is this man, this President (shudder) and his political party are both, all against the rest of the world. If you're not already wealthy and/or a corporation, you are not on his side, their side. He's against you. They're against you.

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