This is a bit of a brain fart that I’m having just now but have you ever really wanted something but told yourself it’s just too expensive. You just couldn’t possibly afford to buy it just now. It will have to wait. But then bought things that are more or less the same thing and spent more than you would’ve done on the original thing that you’d wanted to buy?
I told myself I was going to buy a Tangle Teezer. I said that at £10 it was too much for essentially a hunk of plastic but then I bought three different hair brushes that didn’t do what I wanted and all together cost more.
I told myself I was going to buy three new pairs of jeans, one light, one dark and one white pair because all of mine are completely worn. Instead of doing that, I bought about eight pairs of colourful jeans, a few of which I never actually wear.
I’m rambling I know but I do this ALL of the time. When I was a kid I used to save every penny for that one thing that I wanted. Why don’t I do that anymore? I need to start doing that again.