Baseball Magazine

It Could Be Worse!

By Meachrm @BaseballBTYard
As a baseball guy, I'm not a fan of Winter.  Never have been and never will be.  I'm also not the type of person who needs to experience the cold months in order to appreciate the warm months.  It actually annoys me when people say that.  I fully appreciate warm weather without the help of snow, ice, and wind.  However, every now and again a picture like the one below puts my Pennsylvania winter misery in perspective when I realize I shouldn't complain so much.  It most certainly could be much worse.  This picture is from what is sometimes referred to as the "Japanese Alps."  And no, it's not Photoshopped.  Below the picture is a YouTube link on how it's done.  I'll take a wild guess and say that Ichiro is NOT from the Japanese Alps.
It could be worse!YouTube Link

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