We all know that cat meow. What truly intrigues many among us, mostly the cat owners, is what are they trying to communicate? Why does a cat meow?
And, if your cat has increasing meowing and yowling, you will definitely wish to know the reason behind this sudden change in behavior. Since our beloved feline friends have no better means of communicating, it is up to us to understand them and ensure that they are not in any form of discomfort.
Why is my cat meowing and yowling?

The first thing you need to know about cats is that their meowing changes with their age and so does the reason. A kitten will only be able to meow and will try to communicate when it is hungry or scared or cold. However, as a cat grows up, it develops other forms of vocalization beside meowing, such as yowling, purring, growling and hissing. While these additional vocalizations are mostly used to communicate with other cats, the meowing is reserved for communicating with humans.
As a cat owner, you will probably be having questions about your cat meowing, especially if it is too much, and definitely, if this is a recent change in its behavior. So, why is it that your cat is meowing? Let's find out.
Breed or habit
There are some breeds of cats, like the oriental breeds, mainly the Siamese ones, that are great talkers. They just love to communicate and talk a lot. Also, there are some cats that simply love to hear itself. If you happen to have such a cat, you are probably in for quite a 'meowing fest'.

Sickness is a major reason behind your cat meowing too much. What you need to do is take your cat to the nearest vet at the earliest. There can be multiple ailments that make your cat meow a lot. This illness might be making it hungry or thirsty or simply causing pain or discomfort. All these can increase meowing in your cat. Kidney disease or overactive thyroid also cause meowing in cats and can be found in cats of all ages.
For food

There are many cats who will start meowing more as the feeding time approaches or when they see anyone going to the kitchen of having something, simply to have a bite. Such behaviors can be problematic and one way you can control this is by feeding your cat only when it becomes quiet. Also, you should not feed it any treat when it is meowing. This will simply encourage your cat to meow more.
Attention seeking
Contrary to what many believe, cats like people and getting attention. Your cats might start meowing to get your attention and make you play, pet or simply talk with them. This might seem really adorable, but you need to get this under control. Don't give your cat attention or stop playing and petting the moment the meowing starts. However, you will have to make sure that you give your feline friend enough time, attention, and groom and play. Remember, a tired cat will be a quiet one too.
Feeling stressed
Much like us human beings, a cat can also feel stressed due to a variety of reasons. It can be because of the change of place, or loss of a close person, or the family having a new baby or bringing in a new pet, or some type of illness. There can be a number of reasons why your cat might be stressed and thus became a talker. It is important that you find out the root cause.
Feeling lonely
If your cat stays at home alone for long hours, this can lead to excessive meowing when you finally return home. Cats do not like to be left lonely. It is best if you find a reliable shelter where the cat can stay and remain active all through the day as you take care of your work. If you are not okay with leaving your cat somewhere else, a pet sitter for the day might be a good idea. You can even get toys with treats hidden within that will keep your cat active. Some automatic feeders also come with microphone and camera system that allows you to see your cat and talk.
Simply wants to greet
Now, this is one thing that cannot be helped much. There are some cats that will meow anytime and every time they see their owner. It is a form of greeting, and you can't do much to stop that. On the upside, consider this, when many people say that cats are not that empathetic, your little feline friend is showing its happiness whenever it sees you! Isn't that wonderful?
It's mating time
For those who have not neutered their cat, this can become a major problem. When the cat is in heat, it will yowl. Female cats yowl to attract male partners, and the make ones will respond to the female yowling by yowling back. The only way you can stop this is if you get your cat neutered.
What should you never do when you find your cat meowing and yowling?

Even with pets, we often make mistakes. So, if your cat is meowing or making other sounds, do not make the following mistakes.
- Do not ignore this habit. You need to understand that this is the only way that the cat will be able to communicate with you. If it is showing unusual signs and has started talking a lot, it means that there is something going on. You need to take this seriously and visit the vet at the earliest to find out if the health of your cat is perfect. The worst thing to do will be to ignore your cat.
- Do not lash out. You might be irritated, but this does not mean that you will lash out at your cat. If you punish your cat in any way, or throw water, or do something harsh, it will reduce the trust and your cat will not like staying with you.
- Do not encourage. While lashing out isn't an option, encouraging this behavior by giving treats or start playing or giving more attention right when it starts meowing will only make this worse. You need to groom your cat and be patient. You need to make your cat understand that the quiet behavior will be rewarded and not the meowing one.
Cats are curious pets and extremely entertaining as well. All you need is the right temperament and patience and lots of love!