Hair & Beauty Magazine

Is There Anybody out There?

By Hollysbeautybox @hollysbeautybox

I'm baaaack, but, is there anybody out there? It's definitely been too long since I last posted on here. So much has happened since we last spoke. Obviously the 'Rona is still kicking about but I've also had a baby! which is why I've been so quiet on my blog. I thought I'd take this opportunity (Baby is in a milk coma ATM) to sit down with a cuppa and fill you all in.

Is there anybody out there?

Before I get started I just want to take a wee moment to say that I am thinking of anyone who has had or whose loved ones have had, Coronavirus. I've been lucky thus far to avoid it but I know how fragile life can be and can only imagine how heartbreaking it is for those who haven't been so fortunate in avoiding it. I hope you are all doing ok and if anyone needs to chat then my DMs are always open across social media and you can email me at  At the end of the day, despite being so far apart, we are genuinely ALL in this together.

Moving onto what I came here to talk about - My Son! Please welcome Charlie to the world! Born on 20/11/20 at 06.25am and weighing 8.8lbs, he is Chris's double (arsehole!) and I love every inch of him. The delivery was tough (36 hours of induced labor which ended with an emergency csection) but I will write up my birth story and share it with you all really soon. For now though, I wanted to introduce you all to our wee Bonnie Prince Charlie (as my 86 year old nana says!)

Is there anybody out there?

I don't know how much or how little Charlie will appear across my platforms.  I guess Chris and I will just figure it out as we go but while he is still a cute little baby, I thought it would be nice to share some pictures for you all to see. 

Is there anybody out there?

Charlie is already almost 14 weeks old and is an absolute wee smasher.  I nickname him 'Baby Asshole' because he has asshole tendencies like most babies do.  Anyone with half a sense of humor will understand, but if you're on the fence, then let me convince you! he peed on my Mums Christmas cake, regularly has put his hands in his dirty shitey nappy and squished the contents and happily threw up on my top and rubbed his face in the spew whilst giggling. Asshole, right? He's my wee asshole though, I love him more than I can ever put into words.  

Is there anybody out there?

Someone on social media recently asked how I am and the truthful answer is that right now, right in this second, I am okay.  Charlies birth was traumatic and something I think about every single day. I physically feel much better than I was (FYI sneezing after a Csection is not the one..) but mentally and emotionally, I do have moments where I feel anxious or sad. I think that's really normal and I've spoken to people around me about it, who say they have experienced similar or know someone who has but have been too afraid to talk about it for fear of having people think it means they love their child less than they should, which of course, is not the case.  Obviously, this is a huge subject and it's something I feel strongly about (I have lots of opinions nowadays..) and will probably write a blog post about it at some point. 

Is there anybody out there?

I will also write up (another) blog post all about Charlie but for now, I'm going to get back to looking after him. I used to think I was busy before I had a baby but GODDAMN was I wrong! Chris & I take it in turns to eat nowadays because Charlie hates being put down. Anyone who is reading this and thinking it's because Charlie is spoiled is right. I 100% spoil my child with love... that's sarcasm btw. You cannot spoil a baby, especially not with love! Sigh, I feel like no-one has even said a critical word and I'm already defending myself. 

Is there anybody out there?

This post is a load of gibberish but here's Charlie - Ta-daaaa! 

Is there anybody out there?

I need a lie down....

Holly x

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