Debate Magazine

Is There a Real Ted Cruz?

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Who is the real Ted Cruz?

Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde?

Watch this video and see if you can figure him out.

Here are the issues on which Cruz has done a complete flip-flop:

  1. Government surveillance
  2. Syrian refugees
  3. Background checks and a federal data base for gun owners
  4. Amnesty for illegal immigrants
  5. H1-B visas: more legal immigration for “high-skilled workers”
  6. Birthright citizenship: Anyone born on U.S. soil automatically is a U.S. citizen
  7. Whistleblowers
  8. Crop insurance
  9. Ethanol subsidies
  10. Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) or Obamatrade
  11. Iran nuclear deal
  12. TSA

Still think Ted Cruz is a “real conservative”?

See also:

  • Ted Cruz’s undisclosed $1M loan from Goldman Sachs
  • Is Ted Cruz an advocate of a North American Union?
  • Republican Sen. Ted Cruz announces presidential campaign, but is he eligible?


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