Sandy Hook. Boston. Aka Obama. Is there a major news event of the last fifty years in which the mainstream media has NOT lied to us? Can anyone name one? Just one?
Study these photos and make your own conclusions.

Check out those “dead” bodies. See any blood? Where are the entry and exit wounds? How come no one has a single bullet hole?

Isn’t is a little strange that everyone is arranged in rows and they are all face down? Again, where are the bullet holes and entry/exit wounds?

Hmmn. Again no entry/exit wounds. No bullet holes in the wall or desks. Wait, look, that guy has his arm and knee raised up:

Supposedly, he’s dead. Have you even seen a dead person with their arm up in the air? If he’s alive why is no one helping him? If there’s time for a photographer to enter the scene, then certainly the emergency help must be there.

More bodies neatly arranged in a row where they supposedly all fell the same distance at the same time. No blood. No bullet holes. The guy closest to the camera looks to be resting his head on his hand.

Are we supposed to believe any of this? I’m not saying it’s real, I’m not saying it’s not. I’m just putting the pictures up for people to draw their own conclusions.