
Is KeraCare Defining Custard Good for Relaxed Hair?

Posted on the 14 March 2020 by Pamela Foester @FoesterPamela

Is KeraCare Defining Custard Good for Relaxed Hair?

There has been quite a KeraCare defining custard review, which has mostly referred to what it is not. In truth, the product is not a baking soda and vinegar blend, but a highly concentrated formula that contains potassium hydroxide. It is this blend of ingredients that will define what a company can call its product.

For one thing, there are different levels of the product. The second is what it is, exactly. There are only two benefits to the product: it helps to treat acne and whiteheads, and it eliminates blackheads and pimples.

The main ingredients of KeraCare defining custard, as you might expect, include sodium bicarbonate and water. There is no mineral oil added to the mix, unlike some other products that also contain it. The only mineral oil involved is coconut oil, which is high in saturated fat.

So, how can a person find fault with the product? There are a few points to consider. First of all, this product is not supposed to be used on the face, because it can cause blemishes there.

The manufacturer states that the product is for use on the chest and back, not the face. That is another point to consider. On that note, if a person does need to use it on the face, it should be washed off with warm water. Otherwise, it could leave a permanent blemish on the skin.

As to whether the product works as well as it claims, the manufacturer says that the company's research shows that it does. Unfortunately, the company has yet to provide any evidence of this. On the contrary, critics have come up with plenty of evidence to demonstrate just how effective the products.

The KeraCare Defining Custard review also notes that people can get benefits from using the product. This is caused by the detergent that is added to the mixture. It can also irritate if it is used frequently, as is often recommended by the company. This irritation can cause swelling in the face.

Many users, as well as those who have done the necessary research, are upset that the company uses caustic soda to add the stain-fighting properties to the formulation. One user was reported to have an inflamed lip after a long period of use. Also, the company claims that it helps reduce the chance of inflammation when using it, but the product causes more redness than it does the healing.

On the other hand, the KeraCare custard review makes it clear that some users say that they feel the same way they did when they were younger. This makes sense because the skin gets older. The company claims that it can stop signs of ageing, but not of wrinkles.

This product can eliminate some whiteheads and get rid of blackheads. The reviews are positive about the product. However, many users noted that they still had problems with acne and pimples.

They felt the lumpy feeling and the dry and flaky patches on their skin. They found that after using the product, their skin still didn't look all that beautiful. Some people even commented that they were disappointed in the product. Some people reported a decrease in the number of pimples, but others said that they ended up getting bigger and redder pimples.

This KeraCare custard review reveals that there are a lot of benefits to the product, but it can also create problems. If you want to buy this product, you will be looking for a product that treats the problem effectively, reduces inflammation, and keeps pimples and whiteheads from forming. It is not a magic cure-all.

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