
How to Prevent Razor Bump (Shaving Rash)?

Posted on the 15 April 2021 by Pamela Foester @FoesterPamela
Get Rid of Razor Bump

How to Get Rid of Razor Bump?

What is Razor Bump?

Razor bumps are known as Acne scar, and they appear on the face, neck, and other parts of the body, including the genital area. They are extremely painful and hard to treat because they cause a rash or cut out, leaving a scar in their place. It takes a long time before these bumps fall off, leaving an unsightly scar.

If you want to know "How it can happen and what the best way to treat it?", then read this article.

The name Pterophyllum means feather or grass in Greek. It is because these bumps are actually very tiny feathers. These soft and flat feathers are more sensitive to the skin, and they quickly become inflamed when there is any contact with the skin. They begin to bump and bruise the skin, causing the uncomfortable condition we know as razor bumps.

Reasons for Razor Bumps Causes:

Razor bumps happen because the hair follicle is irritated and becomes inflamed. The hair follicle damaged because of the oil glands in our skin. These oil glands try to make our skin less sensitive.

What Reason Behind Hair Follicle Inflamed?

The reason the hair follicle becomes inflamed that it is trying to do too much for the weakened follicle. When there is not enough oil, it tries to force the hair out by applying pressure. It leads to the hair breaking off, and the follicle eventually falls off. A broken hair falls off, and the skin starts to re-grow the misplaced hair.

A Solution to this Problem:

But the good thing is that we can get rid of the razor bump by shaving. Shaving allows the follicles to have room to breathe so that they can stay open and healthy. The pores are clogged, and no oil can enter the pores without shaving, and it will result in a bacterial build-up.

Razor Bump Stopper - Treatment:

The Bump Stopper Razor Bump Treatment is a topical formula used to reduce swelling caused due to razor bumps on the scalp. Its formulation contains docosanol, an organic fatty acid that is a mild antiseptic that effectively calms the scalp and eliminates the bacterial infection that causes the problem.

Bump Stopper Cream also helps to soften the dead skin cells that block the follicles and reduces irritation to the skin. The bump stopper also moisturizes the scalp and provides good nourishment to the hair. It will penetrate the inner layers of the skin and rendering vitamins and nutrients.


Docosanol contains anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties, which kill the germ responsible for causing these problems.

Razor Bump Stopper: Benefits:

For people who have sensitive skin and are prone to having redness, irritation, itching, flaking, and bumps on their scalps, bump stopper razor bump treatment is best for them. It is also suitable for people who have excessive oil on their scalps which results in dandruff.

What Causes an Infection?

The bacterial build-up will cause an infection, and the bacteria causes the razor bump to appear. It can occur anywhere on the body. The most common place is on the men's face since facial hair is more comfortable to shave than other areas like the neck or chest.

Make a Use of Electric Shavers:

Men who use electric shavers are at an advantage because the blades are dull. When you use a foil blade, that isn't dull and thus won't irritate the skin. The problem with using ordinary blades is that it cuts the skin close to the hair surface and doesn't cut the root. It means the pores are not irritated and therefore won't cause what is called a razor bump.

How to Use Shaving Cream?

Other problems can occur when shaving cream used without being rinsed off. Some products contain harmful chemicals. You can only use this kind of products when recommended by a physician or beauty expert. Razor bumps can also be caused by using petroleum-based shaving creams. If this is the case, the cream needs to be washed off thoroughly after use.

What Causes New Razor Bumps?

You will know what is razor bump when your face becomes itchy reddish, inflamed, itchy, or tender after you have been shaving. Razor bumps often happen after men shave in a way that pulls the hair down and away from the follicle. It forces the ingrown hair to grow in places that are not normal and causes new razor bumps to form. You can use the razor bump treatment for getting rid of the razor bumps.

How to Prevent Razor Bumps?

How to prevent razor bumps can be accomplished by carefully selecting the direction of the razorblade. You also have to need to know how much pressure used to cut the hair.

Benefits of Shaving Cream:

You may also want to consider using good shaving cream. A good shaving cream that can help to reduce irritation and promote a smooth shave. If you use a gel or lotion, be sure to follow the directions on the container. Shaving creams will leave your skin soft, moisturized, and protected from razor bumps.

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