But question arises is Google plus better than Facebook?.Before we proceed to the whats better lets take a look at the similarities that these both Social Networking sites have:

For those wondering what is new in Google+,let me tell you that in case of Social Networking Mark's geniuses have no equal,but Google+ have some very modern and useful features that can make Mark Zuckerberg a little bit tensed...Here checkout whats hot in Google+:1. Hangout:Google+ have online video chatting option.Google calls this "hangout".You can chose people to hangout with.In response to this Facebook have also decided their online video chatting.
G+ hangout
2. User Interface: User interface is very unique in case of Google+.A very handy 'drag and drop' feature makes it really easy to use.

Drag your friend into the circle
3.Like Twitter: Google+ allows you to follow.Just like Twitter.When you add some one to your Circle it will show to there pages as follower.That means you can here them but they cant here you unless he or she also adds you to his or her Circle.Thats all I know.Now you decide which one is better...............................................................................