Hair & Beauty Magazine

Is CBD Skincare Really Effective As Hyped? Here is the Answer

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

Imagine waking up in the morning of the 20th century. Back then, marijuana was already a big thing. Despite its notorious public perception, it is already widespread. However, by that time, would you ever think that it can be an active skincare ingredient? I reckon not. Now, we go back to the present time. What do we know, marijuana has indeed found its way into the very heart of several excellent, high-quality beauty products. The seemingly far-fetched idea from yesterday's time is already a reality.

Today, skin care products infused with varying levels of CBD are the talk of the town. From differentiating serums and sunscreens to creams, chapsticks, and facial cleansers, the number of great products utilizing the benefits of CBD is already eye-popping, and more are surely on the horizon. This excellent compound, CBD, may have made its name on alleviating sleep disorders and anxiety, but who knew it could already lead you to a skin that is more glowing and clear, as explained thoroughly in this article.

The Hype Associated with CBD-Infused Skincare Products

Marijuana, specifically its ultra-interesting compound - CBD, has found its way onto almost every product conceivable. Whether it is food-based products such as chocolates, gum, and candies or even clothing and oils, CBD is in everything and already everywhere. But the hype surrounding the compound does not quickly end there. It just goes more significant and more prominent within every passing day. Now, it has successfully taken over the world of skincare and beauty.

Humans desire to be prettier and more attractive will never be quenched. There will always come a time where we feel uncontented and compelled to push the envelope even more. That is the precise reason why beauty experts and scientists continuously make an effort to find the next fantastic ingredient that will raise the capabilities of their respective products to the next level. And so does it happen, they found a jackpot with CBD.

The hype associated with CBD-infused skincare products is spread worldwide. As concrete proof to such a statement, the global CBD cosmetics market alone is already estimated to be valued at over $580 million. This is to be expected for new innovation or development for a given industry, but the talk and popularity that CBD got is otherworldy. It was burnt to our immediate impression that marijuana is nothing but a gateway drug. But thankfully, that all has come to the past. When we think of marijuana, we immediately think of the several benefits it has in store for us all.

The Effects of CBD with Regards to our Skin

The healing properties that CBD has within is already made publicly known. Everyone knows that cannabidiol has excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. And that is why scientists and beauty experts unsurprisingly tried making it a significant component to their products. Such positive benefits can prove beneficial in treating several skin concerns such as inflammation, acne breakouts, dryness of the skin, radical damages, and so much more. CBD fights of unwanted acne by helping our bodies reduce its production of sebum in our skin. In great addition to that, it has also been proven that CBD holds great promise in medicating eczema and psoriasis as well.

Admittedly, research and its subsequent results with regards to CBD's positive effects on our skin are still relatively limited. But worry not, studies with regards to this matter isn't stopping but only even growing more and more. Cannabidiol in our skin products is the latest innovation in the world of skin and beauty. It is fascinating, it is genuinely compelling, and with the evidence and positive connotations it holds within it already, it is indeed very enticing. Though there may still be a whole lot of questions yet to be answered, one thing is for sure. We will keep an eye on its every development and the public perception with marijuana is now finally facing the right path.

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