A frail Bill Clinton, 69, behind a manic-looking Hillary on Iowa Caucus night, Feb. 1, 2016
National Enquirer online of Feb. 4, 2016, has an article by J.R. Taylor saying Bill Clinton is “battling brain damage”:
Bill Clinton’s battle with a tragic brain disease is sparking fears he won’t live to see the November elections! “Bill is clearly not the same person he was a year ago, or even six months ago,” a political spy told The National ENQUIRER. “He is much slower physically, and he suffers periodic mental lapses.”
Before you sneer that National Enquirer is a trashy supermarket tabloid, recall that it was this humble tabloid alone which broke the story on former Democratic senator John Edwards’ brazen adulterous affair and out-of-wedlock child with political groupie Rielle Hunter, while Edwards was campaigning as John Kerry’s VP running mate in 2004. For that, the Enquirer was nominated for a Pulitzer award. (See “John Edwards, a cad to the end“)
Nor is the notion that Bill Clinton is brain damaged that far-fetched.
On January 16, 2016, while speaking at an Iowa campaign rally for Hillary, Bill’s left hand shook involuntarily, reigniting speculations that he has Parkinson’s disease. (See “Does Bill Clinton have Parkinson’s disease“)
Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system mainly affecting the motor system. The motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease result from the death of dopamine-generating cells in the substantia nigra, a region of the midbrain. The causes of this cell death are poorly understood. Early in the course of the disease, the most obvious symptoms are movement-related, including shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement and difficulty with walking and gait. Later, thinking and behavioral problems may arise, with dementia commonly occurring in the advanced stages of the disease.
I also found an article by a physician, John McDougall, M.D., claiming that Bill Clinton’s “madness” is “a consequence of heart-bypass surgery brain damage”. With a sympathy that I don’t share, given all the horrible things the toxic Clintons have wrought, Dr. McDougall writes:
One of the savviest politicians of our generation, known for his wit, charm, and calm under extreme pressure, Bill Clinton appears out of character in the speeches and interviews televised since his bypass surgery September 6, 2004 and his mental deterioration may be accelerating….
One of the best-kept secrets in medicine is the brain damage caused during bypass surgery . . . these well-recognized side effects have been reported in medical journals since 1969.1
Brain damage during bypass surgery is so common that hospital personnel refer to it as “pump head.” The primary cause is emboli produced during surgery from clamping the aorta and from the “heart-lung machine.” This machine pumps blood to keep the patient alive while the heart is stopped during the operation. Unfortunately, this pump also introduces toxic gases, fat globules, and bits of plastic debris into the bloodstream of the patient under anesthesia. Once they are in the bloodstream, these particles migrate to the brain where they can clog capillaries and prevent adequate amounts of blood and oxygen from flowing to the brain. Essentially, all patients experience brain emboli during surgery and for many the damage is permanent.
In 2001, an article in the New England Journal of Medicine reported that 5-years after bypass surgery 42% of patients showed decline in mental function of approximately 20 percent or more.2 A study published this year (2008) in the Annals of Thoracic Surgery using MRI testing just after bypass surgery found brain damage in 51% of patients.3 Three years after their time on the bypass pump, significant permanent reduction in mental capacity was identified in 31% of patients. I am not talking major stroke here; but these patients can’t remember names or numbers as they once did, experience sleep disturbances (including nightmares), suffer mood swings, and lose intellectual acuity. Approximately 30 percent of people suffer persistent depression and some even contemplate suicide.
Recall that Bill Clinton, during his 2004 quadruple bypass surgery, had a frightening near-death experience in which he found himself in a dark hellish place. As he recounted in an interview on ABC’s Primetime Live:
“I saw, like, dark masks crushing, like, death masks being crushed, in series, and then I’d see these great circles of light and then, like, Hillary’s picture or Chelsea’s face would appear on the light, and then they’d fly off into the dark.”
With Bill’s brain damage, Hillary’s own health problems (see my latest post, “Hillary’s health: her meds, thick eyeglasses, and what doctors say“), and their ages (69 and 68, respectively), one wonders why she is so hell-bent in pursuit of the presidency. That kind of relentless political ambition has the stench of sulfur.