1: primark dress and sandles, topshop necklace and leggings, m&s cardi 2: urban outfitters earrings, river island top, topshop leggings, dr martens boots 3: urban outfitters earings, river island shirt, m&s cardi, topshop leggings and boots 4: primark hoops and shoes, asda shirt, topshop jeans 5: topshop top and shoes, river island skirt, vintage belt, urban outfitters necklace iPhone pictures of my 'every day' outfits that I wear to work. I find it quiet hard to look ~different~ for work as the color palette I'm allowed to wear is black, white or gray. I also get bored of outfits pretty quickly so try to mix up my outfits as much as possible. Its also probably why I change my hair so often. What do you wear on an every day occasion to work/school/uni?
"believe in yourself"