I’ve received some criticism from people who seem incensed by the fact that I’m not freaking out about the pandemic, and even criticizing the actions of politicians who are far more motivated by winning votes and casting themselves in contrast to the “Disease? What disease?” Orange-utan. Some of that is simply because I’m battle-hardened enough not to freak out even when I’m being volently assaulted, and part of it is due to decades of study of mass psychology. See, specimens of homo sapiens are always afraid of things they can’t see (“sex trafficking is hidden in plain sight!” “Fifth column!” “They look just like us!” “Zombies!”) and it doesn’t get much more invisible than viruses. It triggers a very deep and irrational response in the amygdala, which manifests in panic buying, overreaction, innumeracy, etc. So while I don’t judge anyone for being scared (because it’s natural and understandable), I also discount things that are clearly panic in preparing my own mental model of what’s going on. And I’m very frustrated at those who fly up in my face for responding calmly & pragmatically to a situation instead of blindly panicking. It reminds me very much of my 20s, when I used to get called “cold” or even “inhuman” for not being a fucking drama queen about everything. So please do not approach me in that manner; I didn’t tolerate it three decades ago, and I’m a lot more ornery now than I was then.