Write the Blog You Want To ReadIt Will Help You Find The Life You Want To Live
I wanted to give you some back story of whyI know this to be true.
I began this blog over 2 1/2 years ago after contemplating the idea for at least a year.My daughter had left for collegeand my 2 boys were in high schoolon paths of their own.
A truly empty nest was on the horizonand after being a full time motherfor over 19 yearseven home schooling for a decade,the free time I had yearned for was beginning to look frightening in it's emptinessas I had no real ideawhat I was going to do next.
I had been so invested in the lives of my childrenI had absolutely lost myselfand never even saw it happening.
It wasn't until my daughter left for collegethat I realized I had spent literallyall of my time and thought on what my children needed.And believe me,in hindsight this was not a good situationbut that's a story for a different day.
So after a year of not really getting any furtherwith 'finding me'or coming any clearer to my what's nextwith the help of a dear friend(thank you Jana)I decided to do a blog.Being a designerI thought of all the great ideas I could shareand it seemed like a perfect endeavor.
And it did end up to be
but not in the way I had imagined.
My blog ended up to be until recentlya form of an online journalwhere I have worked outthings like
life transitioning issues
worked on learning to let go and hold on
uncovered interests that had gone dormant
I have once again found renewed passionfor my designing career
to name just a few of the gifts from blogging.That doesn't even include one of the very best gifts of bloggingthe connecting with so many amazing women.
Yes,blogging has changed my lifeand been a path backto my authentic self.
This is why I am so passionate to sharewhat can be gained from bloggingBecause we all have a storyand we can all gain so muchfrom connecting and sharing.
At the beginning of my blogging journeyI had decided to travel by myselfto Central California for the Remnants of the Past Antique showon what I termed a creative getaway.It was the very first time I had traveled alone since being married.
I had an iPhone for the first timeand decided to take a picture of myselfwhen I didI realized it was the first picture I had of myselfjust myselfnot as someone's wife or motherin over 20 years.
This hit me so hard.How could I have ever lost myself this muchin my attempt to be a perfect parent.
I had become everything I fearedsomeone who existed only in relationship to others.
This is a moment of recognition that I will neverever forget.By losing myself(I didn't even realize until years later)I was demanding my family to make me whole.
It was then and thereI decided it was time to
invest in myself.The road back to me had begun.
And I have this blog to thank.
My blog started out slowand quietand that was just the way I wanted it.
It takes some timeto find ones voice again.I allowed myself to move forwardwith no agendaother than 'posting' twice a week.
And by postingI meanmaking an entry.My posts were just photosof things I found beautiful.Learning to look for the sheer purpose of finding beautywas a skill I had to reacquaint myself with
and I did
little by little.
I didn't even make my 'blog' public for monthsand even thenthere were no words.
My aim for my blogwas to find a way back to me.To find my authentic selfmy passionsmy voice in the world.
The purpose for my blog was to be a conduit in restoring my creativity.
and It has.
I can now see clearlywhat I want my next to be…
I want to live a beautiful life.I want to make great art.I want to inspire others.
So please join me for my series
I know it works.
as always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life