Arts & Crafts Magazine

Introducing The Spoolettes!

By Clareszabo
Some time in the summer, fueled by spicy American food and beer, myself, Nicole, Sally and Amy created The Spoolettes.
Was ist das, I hear you ask?
Well, it's a shitastic birth of awesomeness. Granted, at the time of The Spoolettes creation, we were in the midst of some serious summer loving. I held a party at Chez Dixie Lou where a group of us, bound by the love of all things fabric and thread, drunk a crap load of cava and tequila, ate my cheese and pineapple hedgehog, and danced until my lounge floor was a soppy puddle of tuck-dancing (don't ask) and booze. Ahhh take me back there now!
Days later, Mrs Needles - a woman of class and connections - took myself, Sally and Amy for cocktails on the fifth floor of Harvey Nichols. Picture it - London skyline, evening sun, champagne cocktails and Knightsbridge. Yes, this my people, is how we roll, and most importantly this is how YOU can roll too.
Join the Spoolettes!
Okay, so it's not all drinking and living the high-life, but it is always fun AND it's not restricted to London and the UK. We love meeting up with each other, talking sewing, eating great food and checking out events - so why not organize this where you are? If you don't drink, so what, grab a juice, The Spoolettes never judge and just want you to have a good time and make even better friends. Don't like late nights, no problem, why not organize a little afternoon of fabric mooching with afternoon tea? The Spoolettes love nothing better than a vintage tea pot and some cake - okay, maybe of us have gin in our teapots, but who's looking?
Plus, by becoming a Spoolette, you'll always have someone there to stop you from taking a beautiful vintage prom dress and turning it into this:
Introducing The Spoolettes!The Spoolette sisters have your back
What do WE like to do?
Anything! Recently, a group of us went to the V&A in London to see the 1980s From Club to Catwalk Fashion exhibit, and later this month The Spoolettes are hitting Bloomsbury Bowling Alley in handmade bowling shirts. I cannot wait for this! We're then hoping to do a UK version of the Austrialian Frocktails night, so hey US, get on board too! This coming Monday, we're welcoming Amity from Lolita Patterns with a day of fabric shopping in London followed by dinner and drinks.
And, don't forget UK Spoolettes, Dolly hits London next June... perfect timing for our Dolly/Joan sewalong don't you think?
So what do YOU need to do?
Introducing The Spoolettes!There's no special criteria - this isn't Heathers or Mean Girls, just email me at [email protected] and I'll send you a cool little badge for your blog and hey presto! You're in the coolest worldwide gang since The Outsiders. We've also created a Facebook page that will act like a noticeboard for meet ups. If you're visiting a certain city, why not post your holiday dates and see who is around? I'll be in Toronto and Ottawa myself at Christmas so I'm hoping to meet up with my Canadian Spoolettes for sure. You ladies know who you are and expect a Spoolette badge in your inbox soon.
For Facebook, I'm going to invite some international sewers to sign up as admin for their respective countries - if anyone is interested in undertaking this role, email me. Once I get the required 25 likes on the page, I'll make the Facebook url known.
Since the big London meet up back in April, organised by the amazing Rachel, I have met some truly wonderful people who I now value as great friends. This is, most importantly, what being a Spoolette is and we hope to have you on board this love boat.

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