Soccer Magazine

Introducing: Season Long, Weekly Pick'em Competition

By Thetoaststaff
TweetIntroducing: Season Long, Weekly Pick'em CompetitionBefore the first match of every gameweek kicks off, The Toast writers will submit their predictions on the outcome of each match.  The predictions will be submitted through e-mail, organized into a convenient, easy to read table, and then posted on the site.  Here's how the game works:
  • Predict the outcome of each match, including scores. 
  • Three (3) points will be awarded for each exactly-correct prediction, including the correct score.  
  • One (1) point will be awarded for each correctly predicted outcome, but with an incorrect score.
  • Zero (0) points will be awarded for an incorrect outcome. 
The results will be tracked throughout the season in the form of a table, not unlike the Premier League Table, and arranged by total points.  The winner will be the person who has the most accumulated points at the end of the season. 
Simple enough.  
AND, we've decided to open it up to anyone who may be interested!  On the off chance we can grow this competition to a solid 100 competitors, we're prepared to give the winner (or highest placing, non-Toast writer) an EPL kit of their choice, including official printing!  E-mail me at if you want to get in on this action.  
*First 100 people to e-mail me their basic information (first name, last name, e-mail address, some sort of proof that you're an actual human being and not a spam-bot) will be eligible for the prize.  Might as well add in your score predictions for the week while you're at it. 
**Winner will receive a free, current replica kit from the team of their choice.. most likely from, as that is where I do most of my EPL shirt shopping.  Replica kit will not exceed $120 in value.    
Here are the writers' picks for this week:
Gameweek 1

Matchup Brandon K.A. Orris FBEO Zach

Blackburn - Wolves 1-0 2-1 2-1 2-0

Fulham - Aston Villa 2-1 2-0 1-1 1-1

Liverpool - Sunderland 2-2 3-1 2-1 3-1

QPR - Bolton 1-3 1-1 2-2 2-1

Wigan - Norwich 1-1 1-0 2-0 0-0

Newcastle - Arsenal 1-2 0-2 2-3 2-3

Stoke - Chelsea 0-2 0-4 1-3 0-4

West Brom - Man Utd 1-3 0-5  0-2 1-4

Man City - Swansea 3-0 3-0 4-1 3-1

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