Lifestyle Magazine

Introducing Project Rattlebag.

By Maddy1704 @unstitchedd
Introducing Project Rattlebag.
Tell us about yourself Hattie? 
I am 16 years old, from London but I've lived all over the world and will be moving to New Zealand in October. 
What got you into the world of blogging? 
I had always read blogs from a young age but I never had the courage to start one myself so when my english teacher set my class an interpretive project I knew exactly what I wanted to do and Project Rattlebag was born. At the end of the project I realised blogging was something I would miss so I carried it on and here I am three years and a huge amount of opportunities later. 
Tell us about Project Rattle Bag? 
My blog encompasses a mix of things, mainly fashion and beauty but I also do have an interest in cooking and music which sometimes also feature. 
What keeps you inspired? 
I always have a list of blog post ideas so that if I'm stuck one day I have a lot of back up options to write about. If that does not do the trick, pinterest is a great place for inspiration as there are so many lovely posts on there. 
What is your favorite thing about blogging? 
Not only is blogging for me a great thing to put on my CV (I did actually get my current internship because of it) but it also gives me a great amount of pleasure to know that somewhere in the world someone I've never met is enjoying what I have to say. That is something I would never had believed a few years ago! 
What are your current favorite items? 
That's a tough question but I would have to say my monochrome New Look sandals as they go with everything and my slouchy black coat from H&M which is super sophisticated and a bargain at £30. I would also have to say my charm bracelet which I have had for a few years and holds so many special memories. 
A massive thanks to Hattie for answering these questions, you can find out more about her here and find her blog here - hope you enjoyed! 

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