Social Media Magazine

Introducing My 3rd Photography Book!

Posted on the 23 June 2017 by Cendrinemedia @cendrinemedia
Introducing my 3rd photography book! Introducing my 3rd photography book!

Hello everyone!

My third photography book is almost there and I can barely contain my excitement!

The last ten months have been full of challenges and roadblocks. So, Life's Little Things: The Quotes has a very special place in my heart.

Also, this is book number 10. Yes, you read it right. I have 10 books out. It's another exciting achievement in itself. 🙂

Now, what is Life's Little Things: The Quotes about?I have paired my images, which you helped me select last year, with inspirational quotes that I wrote myself.

Here is the introduction of the book:

"Direct your eyesight inward, and you'll find
A thousand regions in your mind
Yet undiscovered. Travel them, and be
Expert in home-cosmography." - Henry David Thoreau

The above words can be found in Walden, Thoreau's 1854 masterpiece. They are printed on a piece of paper in my office. I read them a dozen times a year to remind myself that there is no happy, fulfilled life without spiritual discovery and a well-balanced mind.

Quotes have been part of the human fabric for a very long time. Many people I know keep their favorites safely tucked in their wallets or framed on the walls of their homes. They bring us a sense of comfort. They are anchors in times of need. They help us overcome darkness.

In a nutshell, they keep us grounded.

Shortly after releasing Life's Little Things: Les petites choses de la vie, my second photography book, a certain number of people suggested that I pair some of my photos with quotes from famous people. It was a great idea with which I experimented on my blog. Visitors liked the concept very much.

Several months later, I asked the latter to help me select the photos that should appear in this book. I also explained that I would write my own quotes. The feedback I received was overwhelmingly positive.

The words and photos in the next pages are not just meant to inspire you. I also wanted to share my love for nature and the world around me with you. I hope you will enjoy them.

So, what's next? Well, I'm waiting for my copy of the book before announcing a release date. Then, pre-orders will start, with a series of events to celebrate this 10th release.

Stay tuned! 🙂

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