Lifestyle Magazine

Introducing Male Model ''Jean Morgan Gentile''

By Dusana Bozenkova
Last year just before the Christmas I had a meeting with a fashion and beauty photographer Erick Seban Meyer (you can read more about Erick in here Erick Seban-Meyer - Photoshoot Collaboration ). When I arrived at the restaurant he waited for me at the table with a nice looking young man. I got to know his name is Jean Morgan Gentile and that he is a male model. We talked for a bit an then Erick showed me photos of Jean Morgan, he took a few days before. I though that I have to share them with you.
Jean Morgan has the look, the drive and the body. He certainly has a great potential to go far in the modeling industry. I'm sure we will hear about him more in the future. He is already represented by Celine Model Agency
Well done Jean Morgan!
Are you dreaming of becoming a model?
Keep in mind modeling is a very competitive business and it is not easy to break into. Getting some professional photos taken beforehand will make you look professional. Don't just get your photo taken by someone with a cheap camera. Work with photographers that will benefit and grow your portfolio. Make sure that you have a standard headshot and multiple full body shots.
Give it a try with some agencies and see what happens.
You are the only one in control of your career and your image. Be confident and go after what you want. Don't give up, because dreams do come true, if you believe in them.
Introducing Male Model  ''Jean Morgan Gentile''
Introducing Male Model  ''Jean Morgan Gentile''
Introducing Male Model  ''Jean Morgan Gentile''
Introducing Male Model  ''Jean Morgan Gentile''You can take a look at Erick Seban-Meyer work at Erick Seban-Meyer - photographe de mode and Erick Seban-Meyer Photographe

Introducing Male Model  ''Jean Morgan Gentile''

Erick Seban-Meyer and Me

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