Hello! This time I am writing this blog post from Turkey. It has been a couple of days and we are enjoying and cherishing the time that we have been spending with friends and family. The last six months have been very busy for me as I was trying to finish my training practice and trying to get used to work life while juggling family life with two children. Add two operations that my husband had to have in to this mix. It was exhausting. Right now, we are visiting the west coast of Turkey. It is very hot during the day. So we are trying to get used to the life style here. The day usually spent in air conditioned places and people tend to go out after 9pm. The children go to bed late as families go to the parks and play grounds in the night. Defne and Derin obviously find this very exciting and interesting! Next week, we will fly down to the south where we will be spending time with my side of the family. We will spend the week at the seaside with friends and family which will be really nice. I really can’t wait to enjoy the sea. The week after, we are returning back to the UK. September will be a new start for us: Derin is starting school. As for me, I have now finished my teaching practice and I was lucky enough to be offered a job at the same preschool. Otherwise I would be looking for a job at the moment. It has been brought to my attention that City Calling is a new online board for employers and job seekers.

I have checked it out and there seem to be quite a few companies that now prefer to recruit via their website. They are very active on social media and publish posts with plenty of tips for job seekers and employers.
They also have an international presencewhich makes it easier to relocate to other countries. Check out their brand new video to find out more about City Calling.** In collaboration with City Calling.
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