Today's share the love is interview from the beautiful Niyah.
1.What is the title of your blog and its link?
My blog is entitled Inexpensive Chic
2. What is your blog about?
My blog is about "how to look like a million bucks without spending a million bucks." The focus is on fashion and beauty for less, but I also talk incorporate street style features, runway, celeb style, etc.
3. Why and when did you start blogging?
I started blogging June of 2011 as way to get my foot into the door of the fashion industry. I love to write, I'm extremely passionate about fashion– it just made sense!

My name is Niyah, I'm 17 years old, and a junior in high school. I've moved around a lot because of my dad's job, and as a result I have been placed in several different schools (9 to be exact). I love to write and read. I consider myself to be an introverted person, but if you get to know me really well, you'll realize I'm crazy and fun. A few other random facts about me: I have a little brother, I'm a model, a published poet, love to sing, and I'm also an athlete (I run track).
5. What is your fashion style?
My style tends to change, but lately I like to wear neutrals with pops of color, and different textures. I'm the type of girl who doesn't wear sweatpants to school; I always seem dressed up– but it's what I'm comfortable in. Attached are a few examples of my recent outfits.
6. Who is your favorite fashion designer?
It's hard to choose just one. I love Phillip Lim, Nanette Lepore, Alice & Olivia, The Row– just to name a few.
7. Are you a full time blogger, if not what else do you do?
By no means am I a full time blogger. I'm a full time student! I also have track practice five days a week, and a meet usually once a week.

8. Which bloggers do you look up to?
9. Who are your favorite bloggers?
Frassy, Arianna from "Cool Girl Style," Fashionista, Refinery29, and IFB
10. What do you like most about blogging?
I love being able to write about what I'm passionate about. There are no restrictions as to what I can or cannot say. I get to share my opinions with whomever is willing to read.
11. What do you like the least about blogging?
12. How do come up with ideas of posts to write?
Sometimes I'll get ideas from friends, or magazine articles I've read, or whatever I come across on the internet while I'm browsing. If I'm really lucky, ideas just kind of pop in my head...
13. What kind of posts do you post most frequently?
Lately, I've been writing a lot of posts on winter fashion, kind of like style guides. I've been giving suggestions to people as to what they could be wearing. Also, runway reviews since spring is right around the corner.
14.. What is your favorite post you have wrote?
Hmm. That's a hard one! Maybe my post entitled "What it Beauty" or a feature I did on photographer, James Vyn. and

15. Do you have any blogging tips?
Write about what people want to read... know your audience. Another one, stick to a niche. Blogs that are all over the place, and don't really have a common theme aren't fun to read.
16. What do you hope to achieve this year?
This doesn't really have to do with blogging, but I'd love to continue to build my modeling portfolio, and start consistently getting work. As far as a blog goal, I'd love to monetize my blog, and gain more following and interaction.
Keep loving <3
Laura x