Hellooo shimmers,
Please warmly welcome the cute and quirky Lyndsey.
1.What is the title of your blog and its link?
My blog is Dear Beautiful at cutenquirky.blogspot.com
2. What is your blog about?
My blog is all about fashion, beauty, and confidence.
3. Why and when did you start blogging?
I started blogging a little of a year ago because I wanted to do something that involved my love of fashion and beauty. I’ve fallen in love with blogging ever since!
4. Tell us a bit about yourself.
My name is Lyndsey Camille and I have an extreme passion for fashion, I love finding new trends, styles, and how-tos. I dream of becoming a psychiatrist or editor-in-chief of my own magazine, maybe I’ll be able to do both!
5. What is your fashion style?
My style is whatever I am feeling for the day, usually I’ll go for more edgy looks with a splash of girly-ness.
6. Who is your favorite fashion designer?
My favorite designer is Betsey Johnson because of her girly and punky style that stands out and screams fun.
7. Are you a full time blogger, if not what else do you do?
I wish I could blog full time! I am actually a student in high school.
8. Which bloggers do you look up to?
I look up to all bloggers because they each have such a talent and great view of catching the reader’s attention, styling pieces, together, and producing magnificent work.
9. Who are your favorite bloggers?
I don’t have a favorite blogger; I love to way to many blogs to choose. However a few of my favorite blogs are the Man Repeller, Unwritten Hollywood, whoishannah?, and so many more that can be found by clicking the profile link on my blog.
10. What do you like most about blogging?
I like the freedom to write about whatever you want and having people coming back to read it. I used to think no one would care about what I had to say, but I found there are people who want to hear what I have to say.
11. What do you like the least about blogging?
I don’t like the negative comments some people leave, but I’ve learned to ignore them.
12. How do come up with ideas of posts to write?
I get most of my ideas from random pictures I see or thoughts that pop in my head. I am always writing down my ideas during the day so I won’t forget them.
13. What kind of posts do you post most frequently?
I am constantly posting “Get the Look” posts whether it’s regarding fashion or beauty because recreating looks is so much fun to me.
14. Do you have any blogging tips?
Write about what you like and are interested in, it’s easy to tell when a blogger doesn’t care about a particular topic. Also, you don’t have to write a ton of posts, write when you’re inspired so that all the posts are quality.
15. What do you hope to achieve this year?
I hope to achieve more followers and raise my view count this year.
Laura x
Hair & Beauty Magazine
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