10. When you created Boys by Girls, did you already have in mind to make it a print magazine ? What piece of advice would you give to someone wanting to make the leap from digital to print ?No I never thought it would turn into a print magazine, but I'm very happy it has! Sometimes things happen that you didn't expect, and it starts creating its own road to go down. Leaping from digital to print, you need a clear vision, be able to offer something that isn't in the marketplace already and you need money to print.I really hope you enjoyed this interview since I was really excited about it. I have never interviewed a photographer nor an editor-in-chief on top of that ! So you could imagine my joy when Cecilie kindly accepted my request ! I hope her answers and the aesthetic she created through Boys by Girls has opened up your mind about fashion photography and men's fashion.
As usual I am all ears (eyes sorry!) waiting to read your thoughts about Boys by Girls and Cecilie's photographic vision, so don't hesitate to let a comment below !