Since I was in college, summer typically meant one of two things:
1. a summer vacation
2. a summer internship
I have both on the table, and I’d love some guidance.
My family is taking a week-long vacation in northern Michigan during the fourth week of my 2-3 month-long, paid internship in Chicago. I’d love to be up north with the fam, but I don’t want to jeopardize my career as a result of taking time off during an internship that could turn into a full time offer.
In context, my internship is with a startup company with about 30 employees. I have little information about my work schedule aside from starting at 8:30 a.m. this Monday, June 18, and I expect to be very busy this summer. My first inclination was to wait to say anything until after I start, and play it by ear in terms of finding a good time and place to ask about Fourth of July, or what others will be doing for the holiday. I don’t want to get to the last-minute not having asked about vacation time and then lose the opportunity to ask at all. Now I wonder if I’m better off just staying quiet and earning my coworkers’ respect as a highly motivated, can-do intern without speaking of the vacation. Everyone has a life outside of work, though, so would it reflect poorly to ask for a couple of days off at the beginning/end of the week my family will be on vacation?
What’s the Ms. Career Girl readership consensus?
A) Don’t miss a day of work. Work during the week and join the family during the weekend only.
B) Ask for a couple of days off at the beginning or end of vacation week.
C) Ask for the week off and offer to work a week longer past the 2-3 month mark.
D) Another alternative I haven’t thought of yet!
Thanks, everybody!
Tagged as: chicago, college, gen y, twentysomethings, your first job