I see a white door and I want to paint it black
Our interior doors are white...yawn. A few years ago, I suggested to Mr. Designdumonde that a budget friendly upgrade might involve painting all 27 of these doors black. He politely told me that he was not on board. Well, actually not politely.

doors to my studio
Fast forward to "return on investment time" and we are adding touches to make our house stand out.
It sort of reminds me of the time I wanted to paint my dated kitchen cabinets white and Mr. D said something like, "Are you crazy, woman! I am not painting all that!!!" Then when it was time to sell, he had this great idea to paint the cabinets. So go our adventures. The walls in all of the entry, kitchen, family room and upstairs hall will be painted a pale gray because it is a partially open plan house.